Month: March 2019

March 3rd Hinamatsuri | ‘Girl’s Day’

March 3rd is a traditional day observed in Japan called ‘Hinamatsuri’ or ‘Dolls Festival’ or ‘Girls Day’. Ceramic dolls are displayed in each household to pray for continued health and happiness for their daughter. The ceramic dolls are dressed in traditional kimonos, displayed on red carpet steps, ornamental dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians in traditional court dress of the Heian period.  The ‘Hinamatsuri’ dolls are (used to be) inherited through generations, although perhaps not any more. To celebrate ‘Hinamatsuri‘, the most common food prepared is the ‘Chirashi-Sushi‘ (The word “chirashi” means “scattered,” so this is basically a big bowl of rice mixed with fish, vegetables, and additional ingredients of your choice.) However, this year applying the idea of a petite four cake, cube sponge cakes were simulated into a step like stage base, Emperor and Empress made of felt cloth, the stage base decorated with (her adoration) strawberries to simulate the other attendants of the Hinamatsuri festival.