All posts filed under: Bread without kneading

Irish Soda Bread, a multi-grain country bread

I grew up in Ireland and this ‘Irish Soda Bread’ is one of my (top 5) favorite breads amongst many of my bread families. Being a long time (bread) baker, the strong aroma of the (wild) multi-grains had been quite difficult to achieve among the flour, multi-grains available in Tokyo but this recipe had an astounding result, my personal view though. I have recipes with a multi-blend of flour and multi-grains but never close to what I remember as the true taste of ‘Irish Soda Bread’. This recipe was inspired by one of my reader’s recipe whom often visits my site. Tasty East – Tasty recipe from chef Ronit Penso’s kitchen posted a ‘multi-grain soda bread’ recipe and I closely followed the recipe replacing it items available in my baking kitchen. Thanks to her recipe, I think I’ve come to a recipe and taste which recalls my days in Cork, Ireland; the days of youth and the fresh country Irish bread, attainable anywhere in Ireland but only in Ireland. Irish Soda Bread Ingredients: 1 cup …

Pain de Lodeve | 高水パン – パン・ド・ロデヴ

This is one of my favorite breads, come second to the french baguettes. The bread making process is no different from making a french baguette or french breads except it has over 80% of water which make it quite tricky to handle but once you get the hang of it….it is an easy bread with only a light kneading process. The outcome is a moist bread, not as dry as the french breads and baguettes. It goes well with soups and as dinner breads. The best place to get Pain de Lodeve in Tokyo (if you are ever in the city) is a place called SAWAMARA in Hiroh, Tokyo.   高水パン。 SAWAMURAさんの「パン・ド・ロデブ」 が大好きで午後のならないと焼き上がらないパンです。 でも、少量しか焼かないみたいで売り切れていることも多々あります。 どうしても自分の家で作りたくて、みようみまねで作ってみた自家製ロデブです。 フランスパンとほぼ同じ材料ですが水分がとても多いパンです。もちもちしていて食材とのからみも良くて、、とっても美味しいパンですよ〜。スープには最高!   Pain de Lodeve Recipe – Bread Flour (100%) 270g Rye Flour (10%) 30g Salt (2%) 6g Dry Yeast (0.45%) 1.5g Water (80%) 30g (Optional – Natural Yeast 10% 30g) Mix the bread flour, rye flour and salt. If you are using dry yeast, not required pre-fermentation, add the dry yeast at this point. If you are using fresh …