Month: May 2019

Bamboo cooking galore|筍料理の備忘録 I

Just after the cherry blossoms, at the end of March, the bamboo shoots start sprouting in April; first along the southern part of Japan, slowly trailing north chasing the signs of summer. I must be honest and admit… I am a bamboo fanatic, not just zest but more in close lines to be called ‘an addict’. The blog which will follow in a couple of series will be about ‘bamboo (shoot) cooking’ which I, personally would like to preserve in my own cooking and blog records, as to also refresh my memory come very vague and fuzzy come next season, one year from now. Fresh bamboo shoots are in season from April to May in Japan. For viewers who have not prepared fresh bamboo, the most common method of when preparing fresh bamboo is : Washed and peel the coarse outer skin In a large pan, boil for approximately 40~50 minutes adding ‘nuka’ – rice bran to remove the bitterness in the vegetable Let it simmer down to cool Next day….peel the outer skin and …

Frying Pan baked English Muffin Recipe – 「フライパン」で作るイングリッシュマフィン

May 1st, 2019. REIWA May 1st. This day is a historical day, dawns the new Japanese era ‘REIWA’ from the previous ‘HEISEI’, a Japanese era named for each emperor. If anyone is interested in the Japanese monarch system, it is a good period to many media will explain well of the past and present emperors of Japan. However….this Memorial Day has…..nothing to do with my post today. This is an ‘English Muffin’ post which I published a while ago through Instagram and received good review, comments, and recipe request. It is a simple easy to make ‘English Muffin’, NOT using an oven but a frying pan (with a lid). Once the dough ferments, it is a matter of rolling the dough to an English muffin shape and baking using a flat frying pan concealing the heat and moist which enables the bun to become moist, soft and very very yummy!!! Give it a try and let me know how it turns out. 『令和』の最初の投稿がこの『イングリッシュ・マフィン』になるとは思いませんでした。数日前にインスタグラムで投稿したら、かなりの評判で数々の方にやり方を教えてほしいというご要請。気がつくとちょうど『令和』のはじめの投稿になりました。『令和』、新元号になりました。引き続き、地道にパンやお菓子や家庭料理作りをしていこうと思っておりますのでどうそよろしくお願いします。 さて、このフライパンで作る『イングリッシュ・マフィン』レシピですが、、これが今まで自分が作りづづけてきた『イングリッシュ・マフィン』を味をはるかに超えるレシピとなりました。オーブンばかりでパンを作る自分としても意外な発見となりました。パン作りをしたことがない人もとても簡単に作れるレシピです。長時間をかけないと美味しいパンが作れないという固定観念も打ち砕くほど美味しく、魅力的なレシピです。 特にこのゴールデンウィーク、家族の集まりが多いときだと思います。新しいことを始めるのにはいい時かもしれませんよ。びっくりするくらい美味しい『イングリッシュ・マフィン』ができるので是非作ってみてください。 Frying Pan Baked English Muffin Recipe 【Ingredients】Makes 7 Muffins Bread …