All posts tagged: party food

Frying Pan baked Focaccia|フライパンで焼くフォカッチャ

Following my “Frying Pan baked English Muffin recipe“, this is a simple bread recipe using a similar method, frying pan to bake Foccacia. The focaccia can be adjusted (slightly) to the size of the frying pan and it can be a fun recipe for parties and outdoor events. Frying Pan Baked Foccacia Recipe 【Ingredients】Makes 1 large focaccia Bread Flour・・・・・・・300g Sugar ・・・・・・・・・1 Tbs Salt ・・・・・・・・・・3/4 Tsp Dry Yeast ・・・・・・・・1 Tsp Warm Water ・・・・・・・200ml Olive Oil ・・・・・・・・2 Tbs < MIX > Mix all the ingredients (except the olive oil) in a large bowl and mix until smooth. While mixing together with both you hands and weight, add the butter after 2~3 minutes of mixing. In total, mix for about 10 to 15 minutes occasionally smashing the dough into the bowl to stimulate the surface. When the dough feels like a earlobe texture, smooth and elastic, the it is ready for the next step.  < PRIMARY FERMENTATION > Lightly oil a container with a lid and ferment for approx. an hour at a normal temperature (28 ° C …

Welcome 2019

  I often wonder why we love to organize our time into segments; minutes, hours, weeks, months and then years. Every moment of our lives must be just as precious as any but the accomplishment of completion, achievement bringing satisfaction quite often is measured by time, I the same. Year 2018 had been quite a turbulent year to our family, not as gentle as we hoped and expected it to be. My husband underwent surgery after cancer test claimed in doubt, my daughter is suffering from serious migraine attacks unfortunately with no successful remedy disabling her daily life. Unfortunately we do not live in a world of fantasies, miracles and abracadabras, nor do I have a magic wand to let troubles and worries go away. But this is the start of a brand new year 2019. Letting our worries aside, January 1st which we call ‘gantan‘ in Japan, calls for a day to celebrate with gratitude from our hearts. Although we have our own traditional ritual food for New Years Day, ‘osechi’ ; I’ve decided …

Paella Party | パエリア・パーティー

Busy days take my time off from blogging. Once the habit loosen… notice that my blog has not be posted for few weeks. Wow…how fast time flies but family priorities seem to take up a lot of my time especially during the changes of season.

Spring Celebration Party | 春の祝賀会

Our Spring celebration party. Celebrating our newly born grandson. Celebrating our grandmother’s 96th birthday. Celebrating our niece’s birthday. And above all, celebrating and in gratitude to my husband’s health recovery. I thought I would bring in the ‘blossoms’ to our party menu……here it is. たくさんのお祝いが重なる『春』。 お姑さんの96歳の誕生日。 姪っ子の誕生日。 初孫の誕生。 そして何よりも、、主人の快気祝い。 春の彩り、春の花を食卓に取り入れたくてのメニューになりました。 作りながら、考えながら作った『バゲットとカンパーニュ』を下地に使ったカナッペ。 レシピよりも春の色彩や彩りをお楽しみください。 Using the bread of baguettes and campagne, these are small size canape breads. Since I’ve made so many variations types, like a freehand creative drawing….let you just enjoy the color and festive feel. This is a standard dish…mozzarella tomato with Italian ham. 定番の一口サイズ、、モッツァレラチーズとトマトと生ハム Roasted Paprika Flower(花パプリカ) Smoked Salmon with green peas and capers (スモークサーモンとグリーンピースとケーパズ) Pate Campagne with walnuts and rum soaked fig (パテ・カンパーニュ 胡桃とラム酒漬け無花果) 金沢からの産直。 今が旬の『のどぐろ棒鮨』『ズワイガニ棒鮨』『ぶり棒鮨』。 In celebrating our opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen (bullet train), Tokyo – Kanazawa on March 14th; Nodoguro Sushi (Rosy Seabass) Zuwai Kani Sushi (Snow Crab) Buri Sushi  (Japanese Amberjack) From my favorite patisserie ‘Asterisque’, cake ordermade for this event. 大好きなパティシエ『アステリスク』のオーダーメイド・ケーキ。

Party Pizzettes | ピゼット

Here are my ‘party pizzettes’…… petite size pizzas, the dough thin and bread-like, above all fun to make and makes perfect gifts for wine parties. The topping could be anything of your choice but my selections are seasonal and for the occasion. If it would be a wine/cocktail party, the toppings could be more on the salty side than sweet. If perhaps for a younger or children gathering, I would tend to go for the more sweeter selections for both the sauce and topping. Whatever it is, variety is nice to have so people can pick on their own choice and tongue. ワインの集まりに作った『ピゼット』。ピザより小さく、つまんでもあまりお腹がいっぱいにならない程度のもの。トッピングはコレ!と言ったものではなく、好みにトッピングを使うといいです。まずはベースとなるソースをきめてるとそのソースに合うトッピングをのせればいいのがピザ方程式。個人的には『じっくり低温で炒めた玉葱』がとっても好きで少し塩気を多くしておくのがポイント。茶色い玉葱は自然にねっとりと絡みが良くなり他の具材やチーズとも相性がとっても良い。 夕飯の残りのカレーやホワイトクリームシチューなど、、水分を飛ばし冷凍保存しておくとこの時にソースとして大活躍しますよ! Pizzette Dough Recipe (Makes 23) 400g Flour 100g Fine whole-wheat flour 5g Dry yeast 10g Sugar 10g Skim milk powder 340g Water 40g Butter Toppings with Base Sauce – Gobo pâté Black Olives + Shredded Cheese Black Olives + Sardines + Shredded Cheese Sautée various type of Mushrooms + Shredded Cheese Toppings with Base Sauce – Sautéed Onions Base Sauce – very well sautéed salted brown onions. Sautee the onions for …