All posts filed under: My Message


Washoku | Japanese cooking proportions has been added to my recipe link. 和食の基本割合となるページをレシピサイトに追加しました。

Welcome 2015 | A Happy New Year

Welcome 2015. One of the best roses from the Ohta (Tokyo) wholesale flower market. We are fortunate to get some year-end leftover roses every year since our nephew trades in the international & domestic rose market. I hope the photographs are as real as I do see it….They are just one of kind !!! 新年明けましておめでとうございます。 2015年のスタート。心機一転。一日一日を大切に過ごしていけたらと思っています。 我家の甥っ子が太田花市場に努めている関係から毎年、年暮れには日本一と言われている薔薇の花が我家には飾られます。平塚で作られいる薔薇らしいです。写真ではなかなか本物の美しさが見受けられないと思いますが、少しでもお届けできたらと思っています。 また、今年からブログは頑張って英日で書いていこうと思っています。英語で書きたいこと、日本語で書きたい事、必ずしも一致はしませんがあくまでも気が向くままにブログをしていきたいと思っています。 The most simplest and most healthiest item has joined our food table. Sayu(Hot Water) Using an iron teapot to boil water, constant intake of Sayu (hot water).  As I’ve searched the internet, I’ve come across an interesting site ’12 Unexpected benefits of drinking hot water’, it’s worth checking it out. I think Sayu in general works to detox the body. 『白湯』は我家の常備品になりました。 主人の体調から『体を温める料理』をもっぱら実践中。その中でも一番手頃で簡単にできることは冷たいものを体に取り入れないこと。もっとも前々から体を冷やすものは取り入れてはいなかったのですが、、まずは『白湯』。息子が買ったくれた南部鉄瓶でもっぱら常備食(飲み物)となりました。 『白湯』は以下の効能も促してくれるみたいです。 ○ 毒素や老廃物を押し流してくれる ○ 血行が良くなり代謝が上がる ○ 余分な水分を排出してくれる ○ ダイエット効果がある ○ 便秘が改善する ○ 肌荒れが改善する ○ 冷え症が改善する ○ 寝起きが良くなる ○ むくみがとれる Saba (Mackerel) Sushi It’s New Years but this year I have veered away from cooking a typical traditional New Years cuisine. However since ‘Saba Sushi’ is one of my husbands favorite food I have made just …

Farewell 2014

2014 has been ‘a very challenging’ year. Thus have strongly reminded me of a phrase from ‘Kaibara Ekiken’, a Japanese Neo-Confucianist philosopher. If life is short, even if obtained a wealth of world Four Seas, the limit of time will not make it worthwhile to have such property. Health can be governed and attained by oneself. The greatest fortune is non-comparable that long-living. 命が短ければ、天下四海の富を得ても使う時間が無く、どれほどの財産も意味をなさない。 自身を律し、健やかに身を保ちて、長命になる事ほど大いなる福はない。 A new year 2015 is dawning…. Wishing you all a the best and a happy new year!!!!

Merry Christmas!

Several months have past since I stopped blogging. This autumn season had been a difficult time for my husband, diagnosed with larynx (throat) cancer and had undergone laryngectomy surgery. Luckily the doctors were able to remove the entire cancer tumor and no evidence seen in the lymph glands; so he is still in process recovery – slowly but surely. So I’ve decided….no blogging…for a while until I feel our lives our back in track and our daily ‘food life’ has undergone changes to adjust to his illness. The ‘Laryngectomy surgery’ has taken his entire larynx which has produced a stoma (for lung breathing) and consequently he has lost the ability to smell and speak. The ability to ‘speak’ can replaced with an artificial voice cord in due course but the ability to ‘smell’ is lost permanently and to recognize the importance of ‘smell’ which changes the perception of ‘taste’ is quite enormous. I am still in the process of experimenting….. What is tastes good….. without smelling or without scent? This is also a challenging path …