All posts filed under: Appetizer

Frying Pan baked Focaccia|フライパンで焼くフォカッチャ

Following my “Frying Pan baked English Muffin recipe“, this is a simple bread recipe using a similar method, frying pan to bake Foccacia. The focaccia can be adjusted (slightly) to the size of the frying pan and it can be a fun recipe for parties and outdoor events. Frying Pan Baked Foccacia Recipe 【Ingredients】Makes 1 large focaccia Bread Flour・・・・・・・300g Sugar ・・・・・・・・・1 Tbs Salt ・・・・・・・・・・3/4 Tsp Dry Yeast ・・・・・・・・1 Tsp Warm Water ・・・・・・・200ml Olive Oil ・・・・・・・・2 Tbs < MIX > Mix all the ingredients (except the olive oil) in a large bowl and mix until smooth. While mixing together with both you hands and weight, add the butter after 2~3 minutes of mixing. In total, mix for about 10 to 15 minutes occasionally smashing the dough into the bowl to stimulate the surface. When the dough feels like a earlobe texture, smooth and elastic, the it is ready for the next step.  < PRIMARY FERMENTATION > Lightly oil a container with a lid and ferment for approx. an hour at a normal temperature (28 ° C …

Moroccan String Beans Tempura|モロッコいんげんの天ぷら

This is a recipe which I tried from a Japanese distinguished magazine called ‘Kateigaho’. ‘Kateigaho’ is a magazine which introduces Japanese culture to the world from an authentic yet modern Japanese perspective, high-quality contents of beautiful visual contents. The recipe is by a Japanese Italian chef, a ‘fritto’ batter, the batter with the additives of paprika powder, making the tempura slightly orange, quite easy to handle and would come in handy for any type of vegetables which you may want to fry, tempura. I used the ‘Moroccan String Beans’ but any other vegetables such as the green beans family can be of a replacement, or even eggplant, zucchini, onions, etc. etc. [Servings for two] Moroccan String Beans  Flour Deep Fried Oil Orange (for garnish) Beignet (English fritter) [Flour 50 g / Baking powder 1g / Paprika powder 1.6 g / Salt 1 g] Olive Oil 16 g Egg White (1 egg white) 24g approx. Remove the streaks and clean up the Moroccan string beans. Make the Beignet dough, by blending all the dry ingredients in …

Bamboo cooking galore 2|筍料理の備忘録 II

Oops…spring seemed to have zapped and summer is on the way. Before I take a blink, ‘bamboo’ will be so outdated so here is my second post a continuation of bamboo cooking. BAMBOO RICE : Most popular and common menu using bamboo is the ‘Bamboo Rice’, quite simple to make! The bamboo is cut into small mouth size pieces, a pinch of salt, cooked together with rice in a rice cooker. Leftover rice can be made into a ‘onigiri (rice balls)’, to go or as a lunch pack. Tempura : Wild spring vegetables which we call, ‘sansai’, together with fresh bamboo are spring delicacies. Tempura is a common way of cooking the wild vegetable to extract ‘aku’ (bitterness and harshness). Extracting ‘aku’ is often heard in Japanese cooking, ‘aku’ sometimes being a boiling froth but interprets as the bitterness in the vegetable ingredient. Bamboos can be integrated in various way. The Chinese common menu, ‘pepper steak with bamboo and green peppers’, ‘bamboos stir-fried with doubanjiang (hot sauce) is another; but the Japanese washoku foods tend …

Welcome 2019

  I often wonder why we love to organize our time into segments; minutes, hours, weeks, months and then years. Every moment of our lives must be just as precious as any but the accomplishment of completion, achievement bringing satisfaction quite often is measured by time, I the same. Year 2018 had been quite a turbulent year to our family, not as gentle as we hoped and expected it to be. My husband underwent surgery after cancer test claimed in doubt, my daughter is suffering from serious migraine attacks unfortunately with no successful remedy disabling her daily life. Unfortunately we do not live in a world of fantasies, miracles and abracadabras, nor do I have a magic wand to let troubles and worries go away. But this is the start of a brand new year 2019. Letting our worries aside, January 1st which we call ‘gantan‘ in Japan, calls for a day to celebrate with gratitude from our hearts. Although we have our own traditional ritual food for New Years Day, ‘osechi’ ; I’ve decided …

New Year’s multi-culture washoku | 2018年に願う「彩り」元旦

New Years Day, dinner. For us Japanese, New Year’s celebration is a traditional event, most likely THE important day of the year in which we celebrate the day with ‘traditional Japanese osechi’. If anyone of the readers are curious of what ‘osechi is?’, many sites will explain the meaning of some of the osechi dishes. This year I decided to venture out from the tradition to a somewhat non-tradtional ‘washoku cuisine’ to something which I call it ‘multi-cultured washoku’.

Tofu Dressing with Persimmon | 柿の白和え

秋の一品、「柿の白和え」。 冬になる前、秋最後の柿。 菜の花と合えるとなんともいえなくキレイな彩りです。和の優しい一品です。 ‘Shiroae‘ is a cooking terminology used in meaning of ‘blending tofu’ or ‘tofu dressing’. Using “smoothend tofu” is an authentic washoku (Japanese) dish in which the ingredients could seasonally vary. Approaching winter and coming to an end of autumn, persimmons come in abundance and blending with boiled field mustard and smoothened tofu makes this osozai, the persimmon shiroae. Recipe is consists of the following, all blended together. 1/2 block of Tofu (dry off the tofu with a paper towel and let is sit under a relatively light weight to ooze off the water inside the tofu) Boiled field mustard (boil the field mustard in boiling hot water) 1 persimmon (peel and cut into 1/8 pieces) 2 tablespoon of white sesame 1 tablespoon of mirin Salt  

Homemade Caesar Salad Dressing | シーザーサラダ ドレッシング

Season for fresh vegetable lovers…. Mom asked me how to make ‘Ceasar Salad Dressing’ so I’ve made her one with recipe attached so she can make it in the future. 母が珍しく、、 「シーザーサラダのドレッシングってどう作るの?」 ときいてきたのでレシピ付きで作ってあげて届けます。 お料理は喜ばれると嬉しいものです、特に親は。                           Ingrédients: Yield 2 bottles 5 tbsp lemon juice | レモンジュース 大匙5 2 tbsp vinegar | 酢 大匙2 1/2 cloves garlic | ニンニク 1/2片 1/4 tsp fresh cracked pepper | 黒こしょう 小匙1/4 1/4 tsp salt| 塩 小匙1/4 1/2 cup mayonnaise | マヨネーズ 1/2カップ 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese  | パルメザンチーズ 1/4カップ 3 tbsp milk | ミルク 大匙3 1/2 cup canola oil | キャノーラ or 菜種油 1/2カップ < TO MAKE > In a blender, mix all ingredients until nice and creamy and smooth. Add 1 tablespoon of sour milk if you desire more flavor. *To make the dressing thinner, add lemon or milk depending on your taste. 材料をミキサーで攪拌して、滑らかなクリーミーなドレッシングにします。濃度はレモンかミルクの量でお好みに調整してください。サワーミルクを大匙1入れると風味が増します。     保存