All posts filed under: Granola Bars

gluten free | Blueberry + Apple Crumble Bars | ブルーベリー + アップル バー


Organic Granola Delight | グラノーラ デライト

The cravings for the crunchiness and the flavor of the mixed spices of Granolas are one of my addictive foods. I often wonder why? but they say food traces the memory in your childhood days so I guess it is from my Irish days when I was an adolescent…way back when? On top of my remaining brain memory chips, the reassurance of  ‘’branded healthy food’’ during my Californian days definitely doubles the addiction level – no gluten, no sugar equals good food. Here is recipe which is not so dry and crumbly amongst my numerous granola recipes which I encountered at ‘food 52’ site. It is like a thin cake like texture but be assure – NO flour and sugar added but composed with all natural ingredients. A long holiday period called Golden Week is coming up in Japan. April 29th, May 3-6th is a national holiday. This Granola may just be a good snack for munchies for a long car travel or outdoor activity. Organic Granola Delight Recipe – The Wet Ingredients 75g coconut …

my homemade Granola Bars | グラノーラ・フェア

Granola bars are one of many favorite snacks. Somehow the idea of using multiple and variety of grains, fibers, fruit and nuts instantly makes me less guilty to eat as a snack. I can’t figure out why (health freak?) but I tend to instantly react to any kind of photos of granola bars or natural all-grain and fruit bars or even vegetarian muffins or cakes. I still have few recipes to be tested but to reveal few of my recipes which have been branded ‘SAVE RECIPE’ . Some recipe tend to be loose (breakable and less flour), some are more packed with fruit, some are ginger based to warm the body. All have a purpose in my own lifestyle but hey! no excuses, I am just a natural food lover, ‘granola’ addict. Granola lovers, give it a try and let me know how some turns out. 私のグラノーラ・レシピを公開します。 『カントリー・グラノーラ』は標準タイプで粉をあまり使わずに使っているのでやや、もろく割れ易いタイプです。 『グラノーラ・ラーラバー』はソフトタイプでフルーツをベースに作り上げていくタイプ。 『生姜入りグラノーラ・バー』は文字通り、生姜をたっぷり入れたグラノーラ・バーです。 やや、固めでシロップ漬けの生姜をたっぷり使って、体を温める効果を期待しているレシピです。 どれも、同じ様な雑穀を使って作り方も決して難しくはありません。 自然派にはたまらないレシピだと思います、、是非試して感想を頂けると幸いです。 Country Granola Bar Country Granola Bar Recipe – 2 cups Rolled oats 3/4 cup Bran 1/2 cup Black sesame Kinako 1/2 cup …