All posts filed under: Pizza & Pizzettes

Homemade…Freezer Friendly Pizza | 自家製….冷凍ピザ

Making pizzas are not difficult, yet delivery pizzas come super convenient and super fast.  Domino Pizza, Pizza Hut, Pizza-La…many many more, yes!, the Japanese also love pizza occasionally but not everyday. The downside is (I think) it’s rather expensive compared to the other western countries.

Cheese Curry Bread | 焼きチーズカレーパン

‘Cheese Curry Bread’, a recipe trial from one of my favorite bakery chef. His shop is located in a residential area of Takanawa (near Shinagawa Station) which his link to fb site – BOULANGERIE SEIJI ASAKURA. He seems to be French Bread baker studied in France and opened up his own shop in the posh residential area of Tokyo.

Savory Muffins Carrot&Gobo | キャロット&ゴボウ マフィン

  ‘Savory foods’ seem to be catching on as a trend in Tokyo. Tokyo is a fast moving  trendy city, where food is also affected by it’s trend. So…my attempt on a ‘savory muffin’ which can be replaced as a breakfast grab or even a short lunch break. 朝食に一口食べながら仕事に出かけて行く人。 昼食は会議の立て込んでいてちゃんと食べれない人。 欧米ではよくsavory foods (セイバリーフォード)と言って、ピザやマフィンやパンで食事の代用になるものがあります。日本でいう、、カツサンドとかお惣菜パンみたいなものかな? マフィンを甘くなく人参やごぼうを使ってマフィンに仕立ててみました。意外に美味しいです〜。       Savory Carrot/Gobo Muffin Recipe <Toppings and Fillings> Shredded Carrots + sprinkle olive oil Shredded Gobo Root (steamed for about 15 minutes, sprinkle olive oil and salt) Topping – shredded melting cheese <Muffin Mixture> 2 egg 1/2 cup buttermilk (milk with lemon juice) 2 tbsp sour cream 40g melted butter 3 tbsp flaxseed oil 250g Cake Flour 100g Parmesan Cheese 1+1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1+1/2 teaspoon salt Freshly ground black pepper 20-30g Diced Green Leaks 100g Green Peas   Preheat to 180C/350°. Lightly butter or grease or line a muffin tin. In a bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, nutmeg , parmesan cheese. Add the green leaks …

Summer Preserves & ‘Aubergine’ pâté | 茄子のパテ

The hot sun, the hot summer yields an abundant amount of summer vegetables. More than one can consume at once in a household. My friend from our ad agency days drops by now and then, very so often on a late Saturday after spending a full day at his ‘organic farm’.

Party Pizzettes | ピゼット

Here are my ‘party pizzettes’…… petite size pizzas, the dough thin and bread-like, above all fun to make and makes perfect gifts for wine parties. The topping could be anything of your choice but my selections are seasonal and for the occasion. If it would be a wine/cocktail party, the toppings could be more on the salty side than sweet. If perhaps for a younger or children gathering, I would tend to go for the more sweeter selections for both the sauce and topping. Whatever it is, variety is nice to have so people can pick on their own choice and tongue. ワインの集まりに作った『ピゼット』。ピザより小さく、つまんでもあまりお腹がいっぱいにならない程度のもの。トッピングはコレ!と言ったものではなく、好みにトッピングを使うといいです。まずはベースとなるソースをきめてるとそのソースに合うトッピングをのせればいいのがピザ方程式。個人的には『じっくり低温で炒めた玉葱』がとっても好きで少し塩気を多くしておくのがポイント。茶色い玉葱は自然にねっとりと絡みが良くなり他の具材やチーズとも相性がとっても良い。 夕飯の残りのカレーやホワイトクリームシチューなど、、水分を飛ばし冷凍保存しておくとこの時にソースとして大活躍しますよ! Pizzette Dough Recipe (Makes 23) 400g Flour 100g Fine whole-wheat flour 5g Dry yeast 10g Sugar 10g Skim milk powder 340g Water 40g Butter Toppings with Base Sauce – Gobo pâté Black Olives + Shredded Cheese Black Olives + Sardines + Shredded Cheese Sautée various type of Mushrooms + Shredded Cheese Toppings with Base Sauce – Sautéed Onions Base Sauce – very well sautéed salted brown onions. Sautee the onions for …