All posts tagged: cake

Fig & Almond Cake | 無花果とアーモンドスライス

‘Fresh Figs’ is one of my or I should say – ‘our’ autumn addictions. Finding the perfect ‘fresh fig’ is difficult. It’s not just about the ripeness. It’s not just about the color. It’s (probably) whether the ‘fig’ has sun-bathed long enough before it reaches our eyes at the market.

retro Apple Crumb Cake | レトロ菓子・アップルクラムケーキ

Just another one of my retro sweets obsessions. Now and then I seem to come across this lush, moist apple cake which I just love. It’ not exactly a cake, it’s not a bread pudding nor a trifle but packed with apples, rum raisins above all a nice rum aroma. I came across cake (namely ‘apple cake’) this at a Japanese countryside supermarket, sold as “the best selling cake in the country” ,

Caramelized Rhubarb Upside-Down Cake | ルバーブをケーキ作りに…

Having grown up in Ireland (as well), rhubarb was quite a common vegetable which was often used for my confectionery baking ingredients – cakes, pies, tarts to even puddings and mousses. However rhubarb is not common in Japan only quite recent, of it’s vivid red color that pâtissiers in Tokyo are starting to using to accentuate their beautiful confectioneries, jams and sauces. For my home baking……(apart from what goes turn into jam), I keep a short stack of rhubarb in the freezer. Since I am not a heavy sugar eater, I prefer to keep my rhubarbs unsweetened (just a sprinkle of sugar) but I’ve tried out a new tested recipe with caramel and to retain the red color and designed shape when baked – A Rhubarb Upside Down Cake. 最近やっとルバーブが日本に少しずつ、、浸透してきたのかしら? 赤ルバーブの値段が高騰して始めているの気がつきます。赤と緑のルバーブは味に違いはないのですが味覚は見た目で左右されるますね。特に日本人とフランス人は。 赤ルバーブの方がケーキも作りたくなるし、、 ジャムも赤ルバーブジャムの方が綺麗で贈り物で貰ってもうれしいし、、 最近はJ◯Lのファーストクラスの食事でもアペタイザーのソースとしても使われる様になったとか、、(J◯Lのチーフパーサー情報)。数年すると手軽にボコボコとジャムにできるような素材じゃなくなるのかしらね? 赤い色を何とか保ちたいと考え、願い、、 綺麗にデザインされたケーキを作りたく、、 『アップサイドダウンケーキ(逆さまケーキ)』を作ってみました。 甘さも控え目が好きなわたし。『甘くない!』と不評な声を解消する為にちょっと冒険して、キャラメルの上にルバーブをレイアウトして焼いてみました。 Rhubarb placed over  a  layer of  caramelized topping. After residing in the oven for 60 minutes, turned upside down. Another favorites are my Rhubarb Crumble Cakes which has is a madeira cake base with rhubarb topped with …

Carrot Cake | キャロットケーキ

One of my favorite breakfast breads, ‘carrot cake’. Carrot cakes seem to have a global fan from the US to England, but I often wonder why? The carrot really does not stand-out like a prominent fruit or vegetable and sometimes if you do not reveal that it’s a carrot cake….few people do not realize what it is but comes back with a nice complement ‘thank you! what a lovely cake’ not being able to exactly depict what the orange chunks are. My recipe uses rapeseed oil and sugar proportions are relatively low. If you are used to American recipes, my sugar values are cut down to less than 30 percent so some may feel ‘where’s the sugar?’ . I like to keep my recipes rather subtle in sweetness, low in fat and organically healthy, so let me know what you think if you ever decide to make one. 定番の『キャロット・ケーキ』です。 甘さも控えめ、バターも使用せず、卵とキャロットと胡桃でしっとりと構成しているケーキなので私は朝食のパン代わりに食べる事もあります。冬に季節は常温で長持ちをしながらも日々たつとしっとりと熟成する特徴がありますので常備食としては重宝するケーキなのです。 菜種油はなるべくいい油を使って作ってくださいね。 人参は泥付きの甘い人参なら一層甘みがでて、、グ〜ですよ。 甘さはとっても控えめにしてありますがお好みで糖分は調整してくださいませ。 人参が入っているだけで、、、『健康的』と思うだけで健康になるもんです。実は食べたときの幸せ感が人を健康にしてくれている気がしますが。何あれ、、美味しい〜ですのでお試しあ〜れ💓 Carrot Cake Recipe – 【Dry Ingredients】 150g Flour 1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder 1/4 Teaspoon Baking Soda 1/4 Teaspoon Nutmeg 1/4 Teaspoon …

Weekend Bread Bakery

My weekend breads which I make for my small group of friends. My homemade bread baking goes back ….oh gosh…..over 10 years. Breads could be a time consuming process (at times) but I got totally addicted to the organic reaction of ‘fermentation’ which to think of it…a lot of Japanese food such as MISO, SOYSAUCE, SAKE are also produced from the process. My breads uses YEASTS and NATURAL DERIVED YEASTS which I hope to introduce at due course in my future blogs. A distinctive process of my bread-making is leaving it overnight to proof in the fridge which makes the bread soft and moist compared to a ultra-speed yeast boost.   Croque Monsieur Soft boiled egg, ham and cheese baked on a English Muffin Bun, served as a light lunch snack.   EGG NESTED MUFFIN Soft boiled egg nested inside a English Muffin dough.     CRANBERRY SCONES My scones is sort of a moist bread scone, proofed at least 24 hours with yeast (or natural yeast) and then refrigerated before it goes into the …

simple&delicious cake….Financier (Almond)

This is a simple recipe which I picked from a recognized pâtissier (Ash Tsujiguchi) – Financier (Almond flavor). His website displays the type of confectioneries which he produces, which I think is work of craft and art.     The original recipe is a Hazelnut Financier but I’ve replaced the hazelnut with almonds since hazelnut products come expensive in price and not an off the shelf item. It’s simple! It’s easy! So bake some for the house and drop me a note if you do!     Almond Financier recipe pdf written by Hisako Makimura/Tokyo, Japan