All posts filed under: Muffins

Frying Pan baked English Muffin Recipe – 「フライパン」で作るイングリッシュマフィン

May 1st, 2019. REIWA May 1st. This day is a historical day, dawns the new Japanese era ‘REIWA’ from the previous ‘HEISEI’, a Japanese era named for each emperor. If anyone is interested in the Japanese monarch system, it is a good period to many media will explain well of the past and present emperors of Japan. However….this Memorial Day has…..nothing to do with my post today. This is an ‘English Muffin’ post which I published a while ago through Instagram and received good review, comments, and recipe request. It is a simple easy to make ‘English Muffin’, NOT using an oven but a frying pan (with a lid). Once the dough ferments, it is a matter of rolling the dough to an English muffin shape and baking using a flat frying pan concealing the heat and moist which enables the bun to become moist, soft and very very yummy!!! Give it a try and let me know how it turns out. 『令和』の最初の投稿がこの『イングリッシュ・マフィン』になるとは思いませんでした。数日前にインスタグラムで投稿したら、かなりの評判で数々の方にやり方を教えてほしいというご要請。気がつくとちょうど『令和』のはじめの投稿になりました。『令和』、新元号になりました。引き続き、地道にパンやお菓子や家庭料理作りをしていこうと思っておりますのでどうそよろしくお願いします。 さて、このフライパンで作る『イングリッシュ・マフィン』レシピですが、、これが今まで自分が作りづづけてきた『イングリッシュ・マフィン』を味をはるかに超えるレシピとなりました。オーブンばかりでパンを作る自分としても意外な発見となりました。パン作りをしたことがない人もとても簡単に作れるレシピです。長時間をかけないと美味しいパンが作れないという固定観念も打ち砕くほど美味しく、魅力的なレシピです。 特にこのゴールデンウィーク、家族の集まりが多いときだと思います。新しいことを始めるのにはいい時かもしれませんよ。びっくりするくらい美味しい『イングリッシュ・マフィン』ができるので是非作ってみてください。 Frying Pan Baked English Muffin Recipe 【Ingredients】Makes 7 Muffins Bread …

PETITE Chocolate Cupcakes

Once in a while, I start looking for new ‘chocolate’ cake recipes, despite many in my recipe archive. Depending on the degree of my “chocolate crave”, recipes which catch my eye tend to drastically differ from brownies to gateaux cakes to soft ganache types. This recipe is taken from one of my favorite blog site – It’s a gluten free recipe site but recipes covered to my own needs. It works for me! I made the cupcake base for my lovely neices to decorate during Christmas. PETITE  CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES INGREDIENTS Recipe in courtesy of : For the cakes:  135g (1 stick + 1 tablespoon) unsalted butter, at room temperature plus extra for greasing the muffin tins 60g brown sugar  80g all purpose flour 25g ground almonds 1/3 teaspoon baking soda  1/3 teaspoon baking  powder 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 3 tablespoons cocoa powder 40ml (1/4 cup) hot water 75g (3 oz) dark chocolate 2 large eggs, at room temperature 1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean paste (optional) 40ml yoghurt INSTRUCTIONS Preheat the oven to 180C/350F (fan) …

Banana Carrot Muffin | バナナ・キャロット・マフィン

Banana muffins being one of my favorites, the bananas come in handy but seemingly with a glimpse….they start go ripe and not quite scrumptious for fresh consumption, that’s when they go into the muffin at a perfect match and timing. With the banana muffin, chocolate chips tend to be one of my regular ingredients (which you can never go wrong) but today feeling slightly creative, explored to find a different partner…hum! maybe…carrots. I grated (shredded) the carrots and tried mixing it into the banana muffin.

Savory Muffins Carrot&Gobo | キャロット&ゴボウ マフィン

  ‘Savory foods’ seem to be catching on as a trend in Tokyo. Tokyo is a fast moving  trendy city, where food is also affected by it’s trend. So…my attempt on a ‘savory muffin’ which can be replaced as a breakfast grab or even a short lunch break. 朝食に一口食べながら仕事に出かけて行く人。 昼食は会議の立て込んでいてちゃんと食べれない人。 欧米ではよくsavory foods (セイバリーフォード)と言って、ピザやマフィンやパンで食事の代用になるものがあります。日本でいう、、カツサンドとかお惣菜パンみたいなものかな? マフィンを甘くなく人参やごぼうを使ってマフィンに仕立ててみました。意外に美味しいです〜。       Savory Carrot/Gobo Muffin Recipe <Toppings and Fillings> Shredded Carrots + sprinkle olive oil Shredded Gobo Root (steamed for about 15 minutes, sprinkle olive oil and salt) Topping – shredded melting cheese <Muffin Mixture> 2 egg 1/2 cup buttermilk (milk with lemon juice) 2 tbsp sour cream 40g melted butter 3 tbsp flaxseed oil 250g Cake Flour 100g Parmesan Cheese 1+1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1+1/2 teaspoon salt Freshly ground black pepper 20-30g Diced Green Leaks 100g Green Peas   Preheat to 180C/350°. Lightly butter or grease or line a muffin tin. In a bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, nutmeg , parmesan cheese. Add the green leaks …

Blueberry Yoghurt Muffins | ブルーベリー ヨーグルト マフィン

An extremely simple, quick to make homemade ‘Blueberry Muffins’. It may be hard to believe but ‘MUFFINS’ are not regular items you may see at bakeries here in Tokyo, incomparable as to when I used to live in Los Angeles. Muffins used to be my favorites for breakfast accompanied with a cafe latte and the LA blueberry muffins were just humongous. Muffins….really  not difficult to make. When producing my own original recipe, I always go the very organic and healthy route with no butter and low sugar and lots of blueberries; which are below. A petite size are nice to have especially for children’s snacks. ブルーベリーのシロップ漬けが常備されていれば、とっても簡単にできるブルーベリー・マフィン。ロサンゼルスに住んでいた頃は巨大なマフィンが大好きでした。アメリカはマフィン大国でベーカリーにはパンよりマフィンの数々、それもかなりのボリューム感があり一回では食べきれず何回にも分けて食べれる位大きかった記憶があります。日本には巨大マフィンがなくとも、パン屋さんはマフィンよりも美味しいパンが沢山あるのでムリもありませんが。 フルーツ入りの洋風お茶菓子は主人の好物の一つでもあるので我家はマフィンやらスコーンやら、、比較的常備されております。 一番簡単なレシピでヨーグルトを使いヘルシーレシピを公開。 ご興味のある方、お子さんのいらっしゃる方、、是非作ってみて。 Blueberry Yoghurt Muffins Recipe (makes 6 large) 【A】 1 large egg 240ml yoghurt 80ml rapeseed oil 【B】 260g flour 70g sugar 50g almond powder 1 + 1/2teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 【C】 270g blueberry (syrup) OR 170g blueberry + chocolate chips Combine the 【A】ingredients with a beater/mixer. Combine the 【B】ingredients and sift well. Combine the 【A】ingredients with 【B】with a spatula, lifting the …

Weekend Bread Bakery

My weekend breads which I make for my small group of friends. My homemade bread baking goes back ….oh gosh…..over 10 years. Breads could be a time consuming process (at times) but I got totally addicted to the organic reaction of ‘fermentation’ which to think of it…a lot of Japanese food such as MISO, SOYSAUCE, SAKE are also produced from the process. My breads uses YEASTS and NATURAL DERIVED YEASTS which I hope to introduce at due course in my future blogs. A distinctive process of my bread-making is leaving it overnight to proof in the fridge which makes the bread soft and moist compared to a ultra-speed yeast boost.   Croque Monsieur Soft boiled egg, ham and cheese baked on a English Muffin Bun, served as a light lunch snack.   EGG NESTED MUFFIN Soft boiled egg nested inside a English Muffin dough.     CRANBERRY SCONES My scones is sort of a moist bread scone, proofed at least 24 hours with yeast (or natural yeast) and then refrigerated before it goes into the …