All posts filed under: Bread

Frying Pan baked Focaccia|フライパンで焼くフォカッチャ

Following my “Frying Pan baked English Muffin recipe“, this is a simple bread recipe using a similar method, frying pan to bake Foccacia. The focaccia can be adjusted (slightly) to the size of the frying pan and it can be a fun recipe for parties and outdoor events. Frying Pan Baked Foccacia Recipe 【Ingredients】Makes 1 large focaccia Bread Flour・・・・・・・300g Sugar ・・・・・・・・・1 Tbs Salt ・・・・・・・・・・3/4 Tsp Dry Yeast ・・・・・・・・1 Tsp Warm Water ・・・・・・・200ml Olive Oil ・・・・・・・・2 Tbs < MIX > Mix all the ingredients (except the olive oil) in a large bowl and mix until smooth. While mixing together with both you hands and weight, add the butter after 2~3 minutes of mixing. In total, mix for about 10 to 15 minutes occasionally smashing the dough into the bowl to stimulate the surface. When the dough feels like a earlobe texture, smooth and elastic, the it is ready for the next step.  < PRIMARY FERMENTATION > Lightly oil a container with a lid and ferment for approx. an hour at a normal temperature (28 ° C …

Frying Pan baked English Muffin Recipe – 「フライパン」で作るイングリッシュマフィン

May 1st, 2019. REIWA May 1st. This day is a historical day, dawns the new Japanese era ‘REIWA’ from the previous ‘HEISEI’, a Japanese era named for each emperor. If anyone is interested in the Japanese monarch system, it is a good period to many media will explain well of the past and present emperors of Japan. However….this Memorial Day has…..nothing to do with my post today. This is an ‘English Muffin’ post which I published a while ago through Instagram and received good review, comments, and recipe request. It is a simple easy to make ‘English Muffin’, NOT using an oven but a frying pan (with a lid). Once the dough ferments, it is a matter of rolling the dough to an English muffin shape and baking using a flat frying pan concealing the heat and moist which enables the bun to become moist, soft and very very yummy!!! Give it a try and let me know how it turns out. 『令和』の最初の投稿がこの『イングリッシュ・マフィン』になるとは思いませんでした。数日前にインスタグラムで投稿したら、かなりの評判で数々の方にやり方を教えてほしいというご要請。気がつくとちょうど『令和』のはじめの投稿になりました。『令和』、新元号になりました。引き続き、地道にパンやお菓子や家庭料理作りをしていこうと思っておりますのでどうそよろしくお願いします。 さて、このフライパンで作る『イングリッシュ・マフィン』レシピですが、、これが今まで自分が作りづづけてきた『イングリッシュ・マフィン』を味をはるかに超えるレシピとなりました。オーブンばかりでパンを作る自分としても意外な発見となりました。パン作りをしたことがない人もとても簡単に作れるレシピです。長時間をかけないと美味しいパンが作れないという固定観念も打ち砕くほど美味しく、魅力的なレシピです。 特にこのゴールデンウィーク、家族の集まりが多いときだと思います。新しいことを始めるのにはいい時かもしれませんよ。びっくりするくらい美味しい『イングリッシュ・マフィン』ができるので是非作ってみてください。 Frying Pan Baked English Muffin Recipe 【Ingredients】Makes 7 Muffins Bread …

Irish Soda Bread, a multi-grain country bread

I grew up in Ireland and this ‘Irish Soda Bread’ is one of my (top 5) favorite breads amongst many of my bread families. Being a long time (bread) baker, the strong aroma of the (wild) multi-grains had been quite difficult to achieve among the flour, multi-grains available in Tokyo but this recipe had an astounding result, my personal view though. I have recipes with a multi-blend of flour and multi-grains but never close to what I remember as the true taste of ‘Irish Soda Bread’. This recipe was inspired by one of my reader’s recipe whom often visits my site. Tasty East – Tasty recipe from chef Ronit Penso’s kitchen posted a ‘multi-grain soda bread’ recipe and I closely followed the recipe replacing it items available in my baking kitchen. Thanks to her recipe, I think I’ve come to a recipe and taste which recalls my days in Cork, Ireland; the days of youth and the fresh country Irish bread, attainable anywhere in Ireland but only in Ireland. Irish Soda Bread Ingredients: 1 cup …

Pumpkin Twist Loaf & Apple Roll Bread

Making simple bread loafs are not quite easy when pursued perfection but ‘pre-made sheets‘ integrated into a basic bread loaf can be a quite fun and rather impressive. These ‘pre-made sheets’ can be made with many other ingredients, although my all time favorite tends to be the ‘pumpkin sheet’. Looking back at my baking archive, I’ve made this loaf with my nieces as a baking lesson, goes back already 3 years from now. Click the link to see my adoring nieces having lots of ‘baking fun’. RECIPE link to : Pumpkin Twist Loaf Pumpkin Twist Loaf Bread Recipe –  Bread Flour (100%) 175g Cake Flour (100%) 175g Salt (1.6%) 5.6g Sugar (10%) 35g Dry Yeast (0.85%) 3g Unsalted Butter (5.7%) 49g – mix in with the dough Cream (8%) 28g Egg Yolk (6%) 21g Milk (56%) 196g Pumpkin Sheet <Pumpkin Sheet> Recipe –  Cake Flour 10g Mashed Pumpkin 120g Corn Starch 5g Sugar 30g Milk    1 Tbsp Rum 1 Tsp Cinnamon Powder 1/4 Tsp Unsalted Butter 5g < Pumpkin Sheet > Mix the flour, pumpkin, …

PETITE Chocolate Cupcakes

Once in a while, I start looking for new ‘chocolate’ cake recipes, despite many in my recipe archive. Depending on the degree of my “chocolate crave”, recipes which catch my eye tend to drastically differ from brownies to gateaux cakes to soft ganache types. This recipe is taken from one of my favorite blog site – It’s a gluten free recipe site but recipes covered to my own needs. It works for me! I made the cupcake base for my lovely neices to decorate during Christmas. PETITE  CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES INGREDIENTS Recipe in courtesy of : For the cakes:  135g (1 stick + 1 tablespoon) unsalted butter, at room temperature plus extra for greasing the muffin tins 60g brown sugar  80g all purpose flour 25g ground almonds 1/3 teaspoon baking soda  1/3 teaspoon baking  powder 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 3 tablespoons cocoa powder 40ml (1/4 cup) hot water 75g (3 oz) dark chocolate 2 large eggs, at room temperature 1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean paste (optional) 40ml yoghurt INSTRUCTIONS Preheat the oven to 180C/350F (fan) …

Welcome 2019

  I often wonder why we love to organize our time into segments; minutes, hours, weeks, months and then years. Every moment of our lives must be just as precious as any but the accomplishment of completion, achievement bringing satisfaction quite often is measured by time, I the same. Year 2018 had been quite a turbulent year to our family, not as gentle as we hoped and expected it to be. My husband underwent surgery after cancer test claimed in doubt, my daughter is suffering from serious migraine attacks unfortunately with no successful remedy disabling her daily life. Unfortunately we do not live in a world of fantasies, miracles and abracadabras, nor do I have a magic wand to let troubles and worries go away. But this is the start of a brand new year 2019. Letting our worries aside, January 1st which we call ‘gantan‘ in Japan, calls for a day to celebrate with gratitude from our hearts. Although we have our own traditional ritual food for New Years Day, ‘osechi’ ; I’ve decided …

Bread series | White Bread |食パン生地でお楽しみパン

The regular sandwich loaf, it’s dough can be reshaped into many different type of tasty breads. This white bread dough, the British Loaf dough can is an egg free ingredient which suits well with ‘egg allergy’ toddlers. Indeed… these breads were made for my little munchkins (grandchildren), two among three still struggling to overcome  ‘egg’ allergy. 食パン生地は食パンだけではなく、いろいろな形や味のパンに変身させることが可能です。特に「卵アレルギー」を持つお子様には適している生地。我が家も3人の内、2人の孫が「卵アレルギー」を克服中。年と共に改善されているみたいですが、、たくさん食べる場合はやはりエッグフリーが安心ですよね。 Gobo (Burdock) and Carrot Epi | ごぼうと人参のエピ Burdock and carrots integrated into the dough to make the typical French ‘epi’. The small pieces, easy to divide makes it a perfect for children or even picnic outings. The fillings can be anything of your children’s favorites, staying away from too watery ingredients, which makes it difficult to shape the bread.   Sweet Potato Twist Bread |サツマイモのツイストパン Steamed sweet potatoes integrated into the dough and twisted. The sweeter the potatoes, the better the taste. Sweet, yet the child stays healthy from natural food.                               保存保存 保存保存 保存保存

Bread series – Baguette Bread Dough | バゲット生地のパン

The French “baguette dough” is most likely the challenging bread doughs but once mastered, I considered it to be most practical. The dough marries well with a lot of variable ingredients – fruit, nuts, seeds, cheese and many more which adds a different flavor to the breakfast or dinner table   我が家で一番よく作られるのが「バゲット」生地。 捏ね上げる作業も力ずくでなく、オーバーナイト冷蔵発酵、生地は冷たいまま成形、最終発酵も他のパンに比べると短時間。「バゲット」生地の製法の手順になれると作りやすい生地であることは間違いなしです。 バゲット生地はドライフルーツ、ナッツ、シード、チーズ、などなど、、、いろいろな食材を美味しく包み込んでくれる生地です。バゲットだけでも小麦の深い味わいがしますがいろいろなものを織り込んで作っておくて朝食、食卓が華やかになるパンで重宝するパン生地です。         Apricot and Cream Cheese Batard | 杏とクリームチーズのバタール *ドライフルーツはヨーグルトつけておくと柔らかくパンに織り込んだ時もパン生地の水分を取らずに織りこめます *Dry fruits (Apricot) soaked in yoghurt overnight will soften the fruit, well suitable for integration within the dough.         Baguette Recipe  準薄力粉|Bread Flour (100%) 750g  塩|Salt (2.1%) 15.75g  ドライイースト|Dry Yeast (0.4%) 2.8g  モルトパウダー|Malt Powder (0.6%) 1.5g  水|Water (71%) 532.5g  バゲット レシピ  準薄力粉・・(100%)・・・・750g 塩・・・・・・(2.1%)・・・15.75g ドライイースト・・(0.4%)・・・・2.8g モルトパウダー・・(0.6%)・・・・1.5g 水・・・・・・・・(56%)・・・・420g  コントレックス水・(14%)・・・・105g QUICK BAKING SUMMARY <MIX | ミキシング> Mix – 15~20min rest – Fold – 15~20min rest – Fold  <1st PROOF | 発酵> Overnight Or <1st PROOF | 発酵> 4~6C for approx. 10~24 hours Or 1 hour @ 28C / 82F <SHAPING | 分割・成形> Baguette 280g Batard 350g Long Baguette 350g <BENCH TIME | ベンチタイム> 15~20 minutes <FINAL PROOF | 最終発酵> …

Bread series – Tosado Bread | トッサード・パン

I’ve been baking, on and off, randomly but back baking breads; although not enough posts. (sorry..) I will attempt to run a ‘Bread series’,  a collection of my breads which may be mostly photographic pix but share my love and inspiration to ‘homemade bread-making’.   ブログの投稿が少なくて、すいません。 パン作りは徐々に再開。 酵母の作り、こまめに頻度を増やしていっています。 画像が多めにはなりますが備忘録としても「ブレッドシリーズ」をやってみたいと思います。

Banana Carrot Muffin | バナナ・キャロット・マフィン

Banana muffins being one of my favorites, the bananas come in handy but seemingly with a glimpse….they start go ripe and not quite scrumptious for fresh consumption, that’s when they go into the muffin at a perfect match and timing. With the banana muffin, chocolate chips tend to be one of my regular ingredients (which you can never go wrong) but today feeling slightly creative, explored to find a different partner…hum! maybe…carrots. I grated (shredded) the carrots and tried mixing it into the banana muffin.