All posts tagged: Bread

Cheese Curry Bread | 焼きチーズカレーパン

‘Cheese Curry Bread’, a recipe trial from one of my favorite bakery chef. His shop is located in a residential area of Takanawa (near Shinagawa Station) which his link to fb site – BOULANGERIE SEIJI ASAKURA. He seems to be French Bread baker studied in France and opened up his own shop in the posh residential area of Tokyo.

Pain de Campagne Parade| カンパーニュ パレード

Baguettes are handy breads to master at home, so goes for Pain de campagne  also called “the French Sourdough, a country bread”. I find this bread goes well with the pâtés and meat and serves well also as a picnic sandwich bread. Blended with fruits and various type of nuts and since it can accommodate a variety of blends of flour, it come second to mastering this bread at home (at least for me). バゲットに引き続き、、自宅でマスターしたいのが『カンパーニュ』。 カンパーニュはパテや肉にとっても合うパンでパーティーの時のカナッペに使ったり、クロックムッシュを作ってたりするのに便利なパン。サンドウィッチにしても、、オシャレでヘルシーに見えるパンです。作り手としては粉の種類も調合をかえてもあまりビクビクすることなく作れるのでマスターできるととっても重宝するパンです。 クープがパカーン!と割れるのがとっても気持ち良く、食卓に飾っておくと多少下手な料理も見映えがしてしまう風貌です(笑)。 Pain de campagne with walnuts (クルミ入りのカンパーニュ) Pain de campagne with cheddar cheese (チェダーチーズ入りのカンパーニュ) Pain de campagne with rum raisin fruits (ラムレーズン入りのカンパーニュ) Pain de campagne with cream cheese and syrup apricots (クリームチーズとアプリコットを入れて、、プチパン カンパーニュ) Campagne Recipe – (Plain recipe using rye flour) Bread Flour (80%) 500g Rye Flour (20%) 125g Salt (2%) 12.5g Dry Yeast (1%) 6.25g Water (60%) 375g Unless you are using a yeast specifically instructed without need for pre-fermentation, mix the dry yeast and let it dilute and ferment in warm water for about 15 minutes before use. Mix the bread flour, rye flour and salt. If you are using dry yeast, …

Bread Making – Corn Buns | コーンパン作り

Having had received numerous and kind requests for a bread making lesson, this year I would like to introduce some of my personal bread makings through this blog site. I will start with one of the elementary – easy bread making techniques and increase the lessons to my more intricate one. The ‘WHITE (dry) YEAST BREAD’ is a good entry to bread making. Dinner rolls, white fluffy buns, hamburger and hot dog buns….these fall all into this category of bread-making and once mastered guaranteed your desire and creativity will bloom to explore variations which can be derived from this basic technique of bread-making. This lesson will cover how to make ‘corn buns’ which is a simple dinner roll with corn kernels. First of all, I will introduce few kitchen tool essentials for bread-making. 初心者でもできるようなパンをブログアップして下さいというリクエストのおこたえして、今日は『コーンパン』の作り方を分かり易く解説していきたいと思います。 まずはパン作りに必要な道具からの紹介です。 【KITCHEN TOOLS – 道具】 ①計量器 : 必ず必要です。1/100の単位まで計れると理想的です。 Scale : Must have an accurate scale, preferably to the decimals of 1/100. ② 温度/湿度計 : 発酵温度をなるべく一定に保つ必要があるのでこれも必ず必要です。 Thermometer/Hygrometer : To maintain a constant temperature especially during proofing. ③ スケッパー : プラスチック製が使いやすい。 A plastic scrapper or a …

For Scone lovers….Cinnamon Scone Bread | シナモンスコーンブレッド

This is my version of a ‘Cinnamon Scone Bread’ which is irresistible for scone lovers. Inspired by a recipe which I picked up at Food 52, a great attractive cooking site. It is sort of like a scone biscuit, not exactly like the soft scone fermented overnight with natural yeast which I is one of my husband’s favorites but his recipe combined with the streusel filling is unique in its own. I love the idea of layering it with streusel which I will probably make my own favorite filling in due course. This is how it looks in the pan before it goes into the oven. Dimensional photo…… This is my original recipe – Fruit scone fermented overnight with natural yeast; which is like a scone bread  (for say..). Food 52 – Cinnamon Scone Bread Recipe

Homemade Cragel (Crogel)|a Hybrid Croissant-Bagel

Trendy food catches on fast. I mean really fast, especially in Tokyo. A fashion magazine introduced the CRAGEL or CROGEL (whichever you may call in English but pronounced the same in Jan-glish), a croissant and bagel – hybrid bread and bread fans are already looking for small boulangeries that may sell a homemade CROGEL. Unfortunately not yet except for a convenience store (Lawson) which is far beyond what is described as the real CRAGEL born in New York. The croissant is a flaky bread…. the bagel is a soft moist chewy bread… a combination of both doughs and the combined bread texture made me curious enough; no wonder it seems to be a big seller at the bagel store in New York. So…since I, myself run a ‘Saturday Bakery’ to my registered bread friends; this is my version of the CRAGEL which all of what is described with this ‘hybrid Croissant – Bagel’,  FLAKY, CRISPY, SOFT and MOISTY in the inside. I hope to be testing this CRAGEL (CROGEL) further, but it already is quite …

Weekend Bread Bakery

My weekend breads which I make for my small group of friends. My homemade bread baking goes back ….oh gosh…..over 10 years. Breads could be a time consuming process (at times) but I got totally addicted to the organic reaction of ‘fermentation’ which to think of it…a lot of Japanese food such as MISO, SOYSAUCE, SAKE are also produced from the process. My breads uses YEASTS and NATURAL DERIVED YEASTS which I hope to introduce at due course in my future blogs. A distinctive process of my bread-making is leaving it overnight to proof in the fridge which makes the bread soft and moist compared to a ultra-speed yeast boost.   Croque Monsieur Soft boiled egg, ham and cheese baked on a English Muffin Bun, served as a light lunch snack.   EGG NESTED MUFFIN Soft boiled egg nested inside a English Muffin dough.     CRANBERRY SCONES My scones is sort of a moist bread scone, proofed at least 24 hours with yeast (or natural yeast) and then refrigerated before it goes into the …