All posts tagged: walnuts

Bread series – Baguette Bread Dough | バゲット生地のパン

The French “baguette dough” is most likely the challenging bread doughs but once mastered, I considered it to be most practical. The dough marries well with a lot of variable ingredients – fruit, nuts, seeds, cheese and many more which adds a different flavor to the breakfast or dinner table   我が家で一番よく作られるのが「バゲット」生地。 捏ね上げる作業も力ずくでなく、オーバーナイト冷蔵発酵、生地は冷たいまま成形、最終発酵も他のパンに比べると短時間。「バゲット」生地の製法の手順になれると作りやすい生地であることは間違いなしです。 バゲット生地はドライフルーツ、ナッツ、シード、チーズ、などなど、、、いろいろな食材を美味しく包み込んでくれる生地です。バゲットだけでも小麦の深い味わいがしますがいろいろなものを織り込んで作っておくて朝食、食卓が華やかになるパンで重宝するパン生地です。         Apricot and Cream Cheese Batard | 杏とクリームチーズのバタール *ドライフルーツはヨーグルトつけておくと柔らかくパンに織り込んだ時もパン生地の水分を取らずに織りこめます *Dry fruits (Apricot) soaked in yoghurt overnight will soften the fruit, well suitable for integration within the dough.         Baguette Recipe  準薄力粉|Bread Flour (100%) 750g  塩|Salt (2.1%) 15.75g  ドライイースト|Dry Yeast (0.4%) 2.8g  モルトパウダー|Malt Powder (0.6%) 1.5g  水|Water (71%) 532.5g  バゲット レシピ  準薄力粉・・(100%)・・・・750g 塩・・・・・・(2.1%)・・・15.75g ドライイースト・・(0.4%)・・・・2.8g モルトパウダー・・(0.6%)・・・・1.5g 水・・・・・・・・(56%)・・・・420g  コントレックス水・(14%)・・・・105g QUICK BAKING SUMMARY <MIX | ミキシング> Mix – 15~20min rest – Fold – 15~20min rest – Fold  <1st PROOF | 発酵> Overnight Or <1st PROOF | 発酵> 4~6C for approx. 10~24 hours Or 1 hour @ 28C / 82F <SHAPING | 分割・成形> Baguette 280g Batard 350g Long Baguette 350g <BENCH TIME | ベンチタイム> 15~20 minutes <FINAL PROOF | 最終発酵> …

Autumn simple fruit cakes | 秋果物で素朴なケーキ

Apples… which instantly reminds me of this most ridiculous YouTube video, seemingly a global mega-hit. Pen Pineapple Apple Pen by pikotaro Check it out…it’s just simply ridiculous. Getting back to my post subject, come autumn having a baking item in the house becomes welcoming. I believe the approaching winter is stimulating the body to accumulate fat and the craving of sweets increases but I like to stay relatively healthy by making my own confectioneries from scratch, using less sugar, butter and oil. Apple used items become frequent and this is one which is simple to make and stores well cold in the refrigerator. 秋になるとリンゴが出回ります。リンゴはパンやケーキにとっても便利。寒くなるとついつい、、なんだか甘いものが欲しくなるのは体が脂肪を溜めようとしている印なのかな? こと尚更、、食べるなら安心に自宅で作ったケーキが一番安心です。砂糖、バターや油の量を調整できるし、何が入っているか分かるのが一番。せっかく食べるのですからやはり防腐剤も入っていないヘルシーな食物に越したことはないですね! 紹介する二つのケーキは両方とも簡単ケーキです。 秋の食材リンゴ。 ルバーブは冷凍してあったものを使いました。   Apple Squares | 紅玉をいれて、、アップルスクエア   Rhubarb crumble cake is another baking item, quick to make and I love the texture of the rhubarb and the moist cake underneath. The recipe is here.   Apple Squares Recipe – 20cm x 20cm square pan   100g brown sugar 57g unsalted butter melted 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 125g cake flour 1/2 cup …

Homemade Breakfast Breads | 自家製ブレークファーストブレッド

Spring brings back a lot of rain to prepare the plants for the coming new season. It is also gives me some inspiration, especially ‘time’ on  a rainy day to bake an assortment of breads which I keep stored in the freezer, variety of breakfast breads for each morning enjoyment.

Danish..Danish…Danish Pastries | デニッシュ….デニッシュ….デニッシュ

Dear Danish Lovers, Here is a post especially for ‘Danish Lovers’ with a simple instructions to spur your creativity!  The recipe is long but I hope helpful for those who are inspired by making food beautiful!! and love the awe!!!

Pain de Campagne Parade| カンパーニュ パレード

Baguettes are handy breads to master at home, so goes for Pain de campagne  also called “the French Sourdough, a country bread”. I find this bread goes well with the pâtés and meat and serves well also as a picnic sandwich bread. Blended with fruits and various type of nuts and since it can accommodate a variety of blends of flour, it come second to mastering this bread at home (at least for me). バゲットに引き続き、、自宅でマスターしたいのが『カンパーニュ』。 カンパーニュはパテや肉にとっても合うパンでパーティーの時のカナッペに使ったり、クロックムッシュを作ってたりするのに便利なパン。サンドウィッチにしても、、オシャレでヘルシーに見えるパンです。作り手としては粉の種類も調合をかえてもあまりビクビクすることなく作れるのでマスターできるととっても重宝するパンです。 クープがパカーン!と割れるのがとっても気持ち良く、食卓に飾っておくと多少下手な料理も見映えがしてしまう風貌です(笑)。 Pain de campagne with walnuts (クルミ入りのカンパーニュ) Pain de campagne with cheddar cheese (チェダーチーズ入りのカンパーニュ) Pain de campagne with rum raisin fruits (ラムレーズン入りのカンパーニュ) Pain de campagne with cream cheese and syrup apricots (クリームチーズとアプリコットを入れて、、プチパン カンパーニュ) Campagne Recipe – (Plain recipe using rye flour) Bread Flour (80%) 500g Rye Flour (20%) 125g Salt (2%) 12.5g Dry Yeast (1%) 6.25g Water (60%) 375g Unless you are using a yeast specifically instructed without need for pre-fermentation, mix the dry yeast and let it dilute and ferment in warm water for about 15 minutes before use. Mix the bread flour, rye flour and salt. If you are using dry yeast, …

Irresistible are they? Cinnamon Rolls | シナモンロール

Cinnamon Rolls could be one of few irresistible bread rolls including myself. Do you agree – that think most people love cinnamon rolls? I remember way back (when?) my first encounter with American fast food culture included frozen cinnamon rolls when I used to be an Irish schoolgirl visiting my aunt in San Antonio, Texas during summer vacation.  MacDonald’s, Taco Bell, Burger King, Mexican fajitas….it was a shocking site for a country girl who lived in Cork, Ireland; in a peaceful land of Celt with cattles and vast meadows. The closest to fast food was…I recall ‘fish and chips’. Oops…getting back to subject of cinnamon rolls… Now, Starbucks make great cinnamon rolls…this irresistible food is definitely American food and I continually and time to time pick up people’s recipes to explore the greatest cinnamon rolls recipe, like having a secret weapon in my recipe book. Unfortunately…..Not quite there yet, though for the road to continue, but this recipe is an interesting recipe.  It’s not as goowy but a nice cinnamon bun made out of brioche …