All posts tagged: Travel

Camping Car Travelog | キャンピングカー旅 ②

Day 2 takes us to the Tsuruoka City Kamo Aquarium, known as the ‘Jellyfish Museum’, located at Yamagata Prefecture;  a beautiful clear sky day. 旅の2日目。 山形県の鶴岡市加茂水族館「クラゲ会館」に行ってきました。世界一クラゲの種類が多いと言われている水族館で平日でも観光バスやら観光客で比較的込み合ったいました。

on a hot summer day…Fukagawa Hachiman Festival

The annual festival of Tomiokahachimangu takes place around the August 15, this year on August 17th. It is also known as the “Fukagawa Hachiman Festival”, one of the “greatest three festivals of Edo”, along with the Sanno Festival of Hie Shrine in Akasaka and the Kanda Festival of Kanda Myojin. Once in every three years, the town portable shrine of the 120 number groups, 54 portable shrines parade to the largest shrine, Tomiokahachimangu which makes “Fukagawa Hachiman Festival”.   It is a ​​street “Water Spraying Festival”, shouting the traditional “Wasshoi, Wasshiyoi”. Spectators from all over Japan gather to the center of Tokyo to feel our tradition, to feel the heat, to feel the excitement.   written by Hisako Makimura/Tokyo, Japan